난민에게 전하는 감기 예방법 Cold Prevention Method

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혹시 도움이 될까 싶어 정은선 님의 도움으로 영문으로 예방법을 작성해 봤습니다. 

한국인들은 식염수로 코를 씻는 방식을 많이 알고 사용하고 있는데 혹시 모를 수 있으니까요.

사소한 것일지라도 필요할지 몰라 전달합니다. 


1. Rinse your nose with saline solution My way is to wash my nose with saline solution. I do it once or twice a day, but I do it more often when my nose is dry and stuffy.

● Preparation : Saline for nasal washing, syringe -Saline : The saline solution’s name is 'Crincle'. If you go to the pharmacy and ask for saline solution, they ask you what you want to use it for. You need to buy a suitable one to wash your nose. I've been using the cleaner 'Crincle' for a long time. When I first bought, it was 1300 won, but these days it has gone up to 1800 won.

Medical personnel say it's good for preventing colds and for those with rhinitis. These days, dusty noses are cleaned and moisture is provided in the dry nose.

But saline is fast to get infected. It's good to keep it in the refrigerator. I use it for about five days. So some people buy powdered saline.

Powder type gives you its own container.

For example, something like this. You can find out the details by clicking on this.


-Syringe : Put it in the syringe and wash your nose. I think I can buy a syringe for about 500 won. If you ask for a medium size, it would be appropriate.



시작 시간

시작 일시
2020-11-11 - 시간 : 10:30


종료 일시
2020-11-11 - 시간 : 12:30
